El Nido(The Nest)
Birth and Family Ministries
Specializing in childbirth and parent education, doula services, lactation support, midwifery, and job training
for expectant mothers and families
in southwest MN, eastern SD, and San Diego County
El Nido Then and Now
The name of the ministry, El Nido (The Nest),
was developed as a means to honor Debbie's heritage,
her childhood home, and personal experiences.
Debbie's Story
After the divorce of Debbie's parents, Rebecca and her daughters were welcomed into the shelter of Debbie’s grandparent’s home,
El Nido.
Then when Debbie became pregnant at 16, the decision to parent her baby girl, Lindsay, changed her life forever. She left the safety of the nest to begin her own life as a wife and mother.
Six years later, she was left alone with two daughters of her own. She found herself receiving generosity from her family and moved back under the shelter of her grandparents and
El Nido.
The Nest Today
The El Nido of today was established in fall of 2006, and serves as a ministry of service to offer hope, growth in Christ, and glory to God through the joy of welcoming new life
through childbirth and beyond.
El Nido provides a family-friendly
environment to meet the
emotional, physical, social, and spiritual
well-being of expectant mothers,
new mothers, and other family members
and support bases for mothers-to-be.
Debbie and god daughter
Rebecca with 3 of Debbie's kids and her nephew
Debbie's Youngest 3 kids
This compassion and life experience created a passion for young mothers, struggling families, and an appreciation of the joy of new life including volunteering in crisis pregnancy centers, and the adoption of four children into her own family.